Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Make a REALLY easy Roman Blind - honestly!!

Roman Blind - Not difficult - with a little patience and  a glass of wine to the ready once your done - or half way through if you're feeling really confident!!

My kitchen window needed to have a blind mainly to hide the fact that I still don't have a proper garden! Before you say - 'no way I could make that' - read this - 
    1. Measure 1 large bit of fabric for the outside (the fabric you will see when its finished) 10 cm wider and longer than the window frame
    2. Do the exact same thing with a piece of lining, or just put your coloured fabric on top and cut around!
    3. Put the two pieces right side facing each other and sew on both sides and at the bottom, 10cm in from the edge.
    4. Turn inside out and iron! while you have the iron fold 5cm neatly under like a hem on the top part you haven't stitched and stitch in matching thread 1 cm in.
    5. Then divide your finished piece (depending on the size of your window - more for longer) into 4 or 5 equal lengths like steps on a ladder and mark each line across from one side of the blind to the other with pins or a pencil! this is where the wooden strips go, like tiny curtain poles. Fold the fabric over on the line and iron, you'll need to do this for each line, i.e. 4 of them dep on how many you want! See fig 1! The cm gaps will dep on the length of your blind/window so ignore the actual figures on the diagram.
    6. Stitch each line from lining side 1cm in : see fig 2,
    7. Buy stick on Velcro, its so strong you don't need to sew it!
      fig 2
      fig 1
    8. Stick Velcro across the width of the top of the blind.
    9. Get your hubby to measure a piece of wood the width of the window and screw to the top of the outer edge - or you can do it yourself if you have a drill!!!!!!
    10. Stick the opposite side of the Velcro to the wood - it doesn't matter which side you used on the blind.
    11. for the rest of the instructions follow this really easy to follow link! 

    Roman blind instructions in case mine are crap!

    I started and finished mine in 2 days! And I only started to sew a few months ago!

    PLEASE NOTE: this is my first time trying to explain work that I'm only learning to do myself, feel free to let me know if there is an easier way to make them, or better way of explaining things - I promise you won't insult, that's what this site is about!!!!!

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